Monday, October 11, 2010

Ask SavvyBrydeGuru ● Monday's Bridal Styling Question

Dear SavvyBrydeGuru,

I am getting married on January 8, 2011, and I am currently experiencing Bacne {"Back Acne"} which really bothers me considering my wedding dress is strapless and my reception dinner dress plunges very low in the back.  I still have a few months to resolve this issue, but what do you think I should do to ensure that I feel comfortable on my wedding day?  I've tried so many over-the-counter products and nothing has worked yet.  Any information that you can provide, would be greatly appreciated.

Jamilah - Queens, New York

Hi Jamilah,

Congratulations on your impending nuptials and I'm sure both dresses are amazing!   Bacne or acne on the back is common for many and it is caused by producing excess oil or an underlying allergy condition (i.e., genetics, laundry detergent, body wash/soaps, irritation from clothing and etc). 

Pimples will compromise the integrity of any strapless or plunging number - so it is imperative to keep the pimply area thoroughly clean by changing your towels and bed linens twice a week.  Exfoliation is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells that tend to build up on the back, buttocks and back of the arms.  Use a sugar scrub (milder than salt scrubs) in the shower on a weekly basis.  We would recommend Bath and Body Works Aromatherapy Sugar Scrub Stress Relief - Tranquil Mint.  

Since your back is a difficult area to reach yourself, you may need to invest in a salon treatment such as Guinot Back Cathiodermie which improves skin texture or a benzoyl peroxide treatment which will revitalize and hopefully provide healthier skin in anticipation of your special day and going forward.

In the colder months, we typically use tea tree oil which is an amazing antibacterial agent.   In the case of bacne, you could add a few drops to a warm bath while relaxing and allow the water to cascade your back.  Or, you could apply the tea tree oil directly to the acne prone area when occasional flare-ups occur and let it dry completely.  We would advise to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, continue to eat well and please do NOT pick the pimples as it will leave dark marks and/or scarring. 

We hope that we have provided insight and please note that our commentary should not be considered medical advice, but our expressed opinion.  Please keep us posted and send photos of you rocking both dresses on your special day! 

P.S.  Invest in a quality loofah or pouf!

Photo compliments of Delphine Manivet

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